Attendance and Absence

Working Together to Improve Attendance

You can find our full Twynham Learning Attendance and Punctuality Policy here.

The School Day

  • The school day starts at 8:40am and finishes at 3:15pm. Students are expected to be in their tutor room/assembly ready to start the day at 8:40am.
  • The morning register closes at 10:00am. Any pupil arriving after this time will be marked as absent (U Code) for the duration of the morning session. 
  • For the purposes of attendance, there are two sessions each day when attendance will formally be recorded. This is during tutor time/assembly and during Period 5 each day.
  • Timings of the school day are as follows:

School Staff

All school staff have a responsibility to support good attendance.

Should you need to discuss any matter relating to attendance, please contact the following staff:

To report an unexpected absence Contact school by 8:40am on the first and every day of absence, via the Arbor Parent App or the dedicated absence phone line: 01202 486237
To request a planned absence

Requests must be made in writing to:  

Day to day questions about attendance or to discuss your child specifically Your child’s form tutor – this will be written in their school planner
For more detailed support on attendance Your child’s Head of Year/Head of Key Stage – this is recorded in the school planner
To discuss a medical need Email our welfare team on:
Advice or support for pupils who are persistently absent (10% or more absence) or severely absent (50% or more absence) Email our school based social worker on:
To report a more serious concern or complaint in regard to our attendance policy or processes Email Mrs Fiona Ordway, Assistant Headteacher on:


Our designated senior leader for attendance is:

Mrs Fiona Ordway

Assistant Headteacher

Attendance Procedures

Incentivising Good Attendance

We will visibly celebrate and incentivise good attendance through all aspects of school life, and specifically, through the following:

  • Building positive and respectful relationships between staff and students
  • Setting high expectations for attendance and behaviour and communicating these clearly to pupils, parents and staff
  • Having a broad and balanced curriculum which is accessible to all students
  • Encouraging and promoting extra-curricular activities, trips and visit
  • Greeting students at the start and end of the day
  • Highlighting the link between attainment and attendance and future plans
  • Adopting the strategy, ‘listen, understand, empathise and support – but do not tolerate” when it comes to supporting those with poor attendance
  • Developing a high quality character education
  • School displays
  • Assemblies
  • Registration/form time
  • Student planners
  • Positive conversations with staff
  • Parental meetings
  • Tracking of weekly attendance patterns and trends

Unexplained absence

  • If the school does not have contact from a parent, an email will be sent to parents, and where relevant, social workers.
  • If the school does not receive a response to the email, a phone call will be made to all named contacts for the child.
  • Where absence is recorded as unexplained in the attendance register, the correct code should be inputted as soon as the reason is ascertained, but no later than 5 working days after the session.  

Third day absence

  • If contact has not been established with any of the named contacts, after three days of absence the school will undertake all reasonable enquiries to establish contact, including making enquiries with wider friends or family or by completing a home visit.

Ten days absence

  • We have a legal duty to report the absence of any child who is absent from school for a duration of 10 days, to the Local Authority’s School Attendance Support Team. If a child is absent for any reason for a duration of 10 days or more, the school will contact the family and arrange to speak directly to the child to fulfil our safeguarding responsibilities.


  • It is essential that students arrive punctually to school and to lessons. Centralised sanctions will be implemented for those students who are regularly late to registration and lessons. Please note, the morning register will close at 10:00am. Any student arriving after this time will be marked as absent for the duration of the morning session.
  • Ongoing and repeated lateness may be reported to the Local Authority’s School Attendance Support Team.

Support plan

Attendance matters